Annual Events

Poster Sessions

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The annual postdoc Poster Session is a half-day event held in the third term that allows for the opportunity to celebrate the contribution of all our postdocs to the world-class research output of the Biochemistry Department. This event consists of an informal poster session open to all staff and students alike, accompanied by drinks and nibbles. This occasion offers a great opportunity for postdocs throughout the department to highlight their achievements, share challenges that have presented themselves and to gain feedback from their peers. 

Our 2019 event was co-hosted by the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics and the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, and kindly sponsored by Merck, The Biochemical Society and Proteintech. 








Postdoctoral Retreat

postdoc retreat

The annual Postdoctoral Retreat is hosted at one of the University of Oxford’s colleges and provides a day dedicated to the professional and personal development of all postdocs across the Biochemistry Department. For our 2018 Biochemistry Department Postdoctoral Retreat, we enjoyed a day at St Hilda’s college on the 21st September. Eighty-six postdocs and final year DPhil students took part in a lively and active day of talks and discussions on academic and non-academic careers, a workshop on core employability skills, followed by food and socialising. Stratech and Oxford Nanoimaging kindly sponsored the 2018 retreat. 
The 2019 retreat will be held at St Anne’s College on the 18th of October and will be co-hosted by the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics. This will include a selection of talks on The Future of Science, including topics such as open access publishing (Plan S), scientific speed dating in thematic groups and a panel discussion by departmental PIs to offer insight into the academic track. 
Please contact the Postdoc Committee ( if you have any ideas about what you would like to see at the 2019 Biochemistry Department Postdoctoral Retreat. 

Here's a PDF showing what we did in the 2018 retreat: